IS Volley Camp

Follow champions footsteps

High quality volleyball camp

IS Volley Camp is an Indrė Sorokaitė Volleyball Academy's organized camp, founded in 2019, for the development of young volleyball players and their skills. Campers are accommodated in the conditions of a professional athlete for optimal sports, rest and meals.

Camp goals

The goal of the camp is to help young volleyball players improve with the highest level of mastery and quality. Inspire to pursue dreams and set an example of a healthy lifestyle. Meet professionally playing volleyball players by yourself and hear their career stories live!

Head Coach

Training activities are determined by the Head Coach from Italy Valerio Lionetti, where volleyball has one of the strongest championships in the world. Trainings that gives you the opportunity to test your strength, improve your skills, feel like a real professional.


Like a Pro

IS Volley Camp wants introduce young volleyball players to professional volleyball players, their sporting routine and rhythm 360 °.

“ Teaching to love discipline is one of the most powerful motivational tools of a coach that sincerely encourages you to overcome yourself every day. Great coaches value their players not for who they are now, but for what they can become through work and dedication. ”

Campers will meet
  • Head Coach
  • Professional players
  • Sport agents
  • Physiotherapists
  • Healthy nutrition specialists
  • Volleyball equipment

Participants have the opportunity to get a closer look at the specialists belonging to the world of volleyball, such as: coach, scoutman, sports agent, physiotherapist, healthy nutrition specialist, etc. and camp special guests - professional athletes. Listen to the stories of the players themselves, who have become highly skilled athletes, and get practical advice during training.

"Until now, Lithuanian volleyball players have not had the opportunity to work in high-level conditions, with the highest qualified coaches, I would like to implement this and I am confident that excellent results will be achieved and the level of volleyball in Lithuania will start to rise."

- I.S. -



Choose the most appropriate IS VOLLEY CAMP and join IS Team!



Camp includes workouts and trainings for the technical development of volleyball skills for each participant. Athletes will be divided into groups according to age and ability, will be entrusted to the highest level of volleyball coach and his assistants
Group age: 13-16 yo (beginners and advanced medium level)
Camp date: June 24 - 29, 2024
Practice schedule: Morning 9:00 - 11:00 and evening 16:00 - 18:00
Accomodation/Feed: " Nykščio namai " Anykščiai


Camp includes workouts and trainings for the technical development of volleyball skills for each participant. Athletes will be divided into groups according to age and ability, will be entrusted to the highest level of volleyball coach and his assistants
Group age: 15 yo and older (advanced level)
Day camp date: July 1-6 , 2024
Training schedule: Morning 9:00 - 11:00 and evening 16:00 - 18:00
Accomodation/Feed: Hotel "Moxy"/Restaurant "Bokštas"


2 practices a day to allow young volleyball players to fully immerse themselves in a true professional mode, making full use of the training period. Camp members have the opportunity to work with professional, highly skilled coaches and their assistants.


At the end of the sport activities, the campers will be able to enjoy the rest, always discreetly controlled by the stafft.

Also at the IS VOLLEY CAMP partecipants will meet our special guests- professional volleyball players, who will share their experience and their history in evening meetings, in which young talents will be able to get acquainted with the athletes and world of volleyball.

Feel like a real PRO!!

Choose your IS Volley Camp

During the camp, the athletes will be divided into groups according to age and ability.

Frequently asked questions
What is the arrival / departure time?

On the day of arrival, check-in at the camp will take place from 09:00 until 10:00. Full meals start at lunch.

On the last day, the awards ceremony is scheduled for about 2 p.m., after which children will be picked up.

What should I put in my child's suitcase?

The stay lasts for almost a week and participants train every day both in the morning and in the afternoon. We recommend having the following items (of course, these are for reference only):

  • 7-8 pcs. lingerie;
  • 10 pairs of socks;
  • 3 pcs. shorts for training;
  • 3 pcs. t-shirts for trainings;
  • 1 pair of sneakers (if possible - separate for gym and outdoor exercise);
  • Casual wear (such as trousers, jeans or shorts, girls' skirts, dresses or other clothing of their choice);
  • A few sweaters, if it will be cool;
  • Pajamas;
  • Personal care products (toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo/shower gel, cream);
  • Room slippers / beach slippers;
  • Casual shoes;
  • Umbrella / k-way;
  • Large towel for pool / sauna;
  • A bag for dirty clothes;
  • 2 pairs of kneepads;
  • Reusable water bottle;
  • Swimsuit;
  • Sun hat;
  • Medicines, if needed for personal specific use;
  • Money, for small expenses (ice cream);

We will give athletes sportswear sets (shirts, shorts).

Will my child have the opportunity to wash their clothes at camp?

At the camp, there is a laundry service at an additional cost, we recommend putting more clothes on the children so they don’t have to take care of the cleanliness of the clothes themselves. Children must take personal care of their own clothes on request (all rooms have a private bathroom).

What medical certificate do you need?

You need a medical certificate issued by a doctor / medical center, form no. 068 / a (you should already have it at the gym / school you belong to). Remember that the certificate is valid for one year.

If pharmacotherapy is taking place, all medicines will need to be delivered to the IS VOLLEY CAMP manager together with a medical certificate and a document signed by the parents stating the relative doses.

What documents should I give my child?

A valid ID is required for check-in at the hotel. During the stay, the child must have a medical certificate, printed and signed documents (agreement, regulations, parental request, consent to use the image).

How much money should I give my child?

Everything is included in the stay. The money will be used only for small expenses (bar, amusement park, gifts, etc.). We recommend that you do not trust children with high-value items (such as gold items, iPods, iPhones, electronic games, valuable mobile phones) as we are not responsible for any loss or damage.

Can I visit my child during camp?

Yes, after notifying the organization. Due to the Covid-19 situation, children’s attendance at the camp may be adjusted.

Can I call my child?

Yes, you can call your kids at the time of the workout for lunch and dinner. The time intervals are: from noon to the start of the afternoon workout (14.00 - 15.30), just before dinner (19.00 - 19.30) and after dinner (21).

If you decide to bring mobile phones, this will be the sole responsibility of your children and will only be available in the room or when the children are not engaged in any activity.

Who can I contact if I want information about my child and his or her activities?

If you have any questions, needs, explanations or if the child does not answer the calls, you can call the mob. phone number (+370) 605 65530 or send an e-mail to 

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